Melodics 3.1

Enhance and increase your drumming skills
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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Many people want to learn how to play music, but do not have the time to go to a music school, or think that it is very difficult. This program teaches you how to play keyboards, pads, or electric drums in a progressive, fun, and easy manner according to your needs.

First, you need to create an account in Melodics. You will need a valid e-mail account and a password. Then, the program will ask you what are your intentions in learning music, that is, you can do it just for fun, to make a career in music, or to hone your existing abilities. Then, according to your choice, the program will offer you different lessons on the mentioned instruments. There are also complete courses you can study at your own pace. You can choose to learn only one of the mentioned instruments. Later, you can change the instrument if you want.

The free version of the software lets you learn 60 lessons. You can practice only one lesson per day. Once you have done so, the program will block the rest of the lessons so you can learn only one each day. Also, the more advanced lessons and courses are limited to the paid-based version.

A disadvantage I found is that, like many of today's programs, this one is subscription-based; that is, you own the software itself, but you need to pay a monthly or yearly subscription to access the advanced lessons and for being able to study more than one lesson per day. Also, the subscription costs are not very affordable.

In sum, if you want to learn how to play any of the three instruments offered, then you may want to try the free version before deciding if you want to subscribe or not.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
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Review summary


  • Free version includes 60 free lessons
  • Features lessons from the basic levels and up


  • Subscription-based
  • Only one lesson is available daily


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